

Audiobooks a decentralized audio platform leveraging web3 tokens for purchasing and gifting audio content. Seamlessly buy and share your favorite audiobooks and podcasts with friends, powered by blockchain technology for secure transactions.





feb - 2022
Crown Clothing

A beautiful e-commerce website focusing on intuitive user experience, employing modern design principles for dynamic interactions and aesthetic appeal.




Crown Clothing

Jul - 2021
Lisbonchair Shop

A responsive shopping website with an aesthetically pleasing user interface design and layout, prioritizing ease of showcasing visual appeal.





Lisbonchair Shop

feb - 2022
Old Portfolio

A visually stunning, responsive portfolio website showcasing your work, skills and implement dynamic content sections, ensuring seamless navigation and an engaging user experience.




Old Portfolio

March - 2021
Monsters Rolodex

A React learning project which encompasses a lot of react specific best practices.




Monsters Rolodex

Feb - 2021